Career Coach


I’m Edward Andrews

Based in Brisbane, QLD I am a seasoned career coach with a passion for empowering individuals to achieve their professional goals and realise their full potential. With over a decade of experience in career development, I have a proven track record of helping clients navigate the complexities of the job market, from crafting standout resumes to mastering the art of the interview.

My approach is personalised and holistic, focusing on understanding each client’s unique strengths, challenges, and aspirations.

I combine my deep industry knowledge with a compassionate and motivational coaching style, ensuring that clients not only find success in their job searches but also gain the confidence and skills needed for long-term career satisfaction and growth.

Whether you’re looking to make a career change, climb the corporate ladder, or simply find more fulfillment in your current role, I am here to guide you every step of the way.

My Approach

Personalised Career Mapping

Through one-on-one consultations, I work with you to develop a customized career map that outlines clear, actionable steps towards your desired job or career path.

Skill Development & Enhancement

I support clients in identifying key areas for development and selecting relevant courses, workshops, or training programs.

Strategic Job Search & Networking

I teach clients effective job search strategies that go beyond traditional methods, including leveraging social media platforms, optimizing LinkedIn profiles for visibility, and employing networking techniques to uncover hidden job opportunities.

How Do I Know if a Career Coach is Right for Me?

A career coach is right for you if you’re feeling stuck in your current job, unsure about your career path, or struggling to achieve your professional goals. They provide personalized guidance, strategic advice, and support to help you navigate the job market, enhance your skills, and make informed decisions about your career development.

Success Stories

"Working with this career coaching service was a game-changer for me. I was at a crossroads in my career, unsure of which path to take next. The personalized guidance, support, and practical tools I received helped me gain clarity, confidence, and the skills necessary to land my dream job. My coach was incredibly knowledgeable, empathetic, and motivated me every step of the way. I cannot recommend their services highly enough to anyone looking to make a meaningful career change. Thanks to them, I'm not just surviving in my career—I'm thriving!"

Kenny, Townsville QLD

"Before I started career coaching, I felt lost and overwhelmed by the job search process. However, the expertise and encouragement I received from my career coach were transformative. They helped me understand my value, refine my resume, and master the art of interviewing. The personalized approach made all the difference, allowing me to secure a position that perfectly aligns with my skills and aspirations. I'm immensely grateful for the support and guidance provided by this service. It's not just a career change; it's a life change. Thank you for helping me turn my career dreams into reality!"

Tom, Brisbane QLD

"I was skeptical about how much career coaching could really help me, but I was pleasantly surprised by the results. From the very first session, my coach provided actionable insights and strategies that made a tangible difference in my job search. Their expertise in navigating the job market and tailoring advice to my specific situation was invaluable. Thanks to their guidance, I landed a job that not only pays well but also brings me a great deal of satisfaction and growth opportunities. This service exceeded my expectations, and I would recommend it to anyone feeling stuck or uncertain about their career path."

John, Cairns QLD